Sunday, July 10, 2011

Vlog 2 delays

In accordance with the schedule laid out in the previous blog, I should be posting Vlog 2 tonight. Of course, I could easily have just reasons to push it off until next Sunday, the point of the Vlog is to share, not to pull people around on a string. Unfortunately, my hands may be tied.

I love Premiere Elements, it has, relatively cheaply, offered me a lot of power. That power, however, seems to come with a hidden cost too though. My lack of experience with the program means that when something goes wrong, I don't know how to fix it. Right now that means that I'm having issues fixing the latest problem.

The simple explanation is that at 9 minutes and 39 seconds, the video continues but the audio simply cuts out. Of course, it's a fair bit more complicated than that. For instance, the video plays fine in Premiere, after rendering even, and the error only crops up in the exported file from the project. I'm unsure of what's causing the problem, but I do know that even when I find it, I will have to export it a second time, which is going to take at least 2 and a half hours, if not longer. But I don't want to waste my time, so I have to make sure it doesn't happen again first, and that could take some time, since I don't have a truly active community at my disposal yet. The one I'm using currently primarily relies on one Mod to answer questions, so its actual active userbase is relatively weak.

In the mean time I am working on getting a video up which shows me drawing in Photoshop. It's a not a Vlog, but it fits under the Miscellaneous material I said I would be sharing. Hopefully that gets up without too much of a hitch. Before that though I hope to post up a short video so that subscribers of the Youtube account can know of this blog and the delays of Vlog 2.

Sorry about everything, hopefully it will improve in time and less problems like this will occur.

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