Saturday, July 23, 2011

Daily 4: "A Dance with Dragons" and Update on Vlog 4!

I'm posting Daily 4 much later than I hoped (as in, I was hoping to continue these dailies on a more normal schedule of each day this week) but it's up now and in it I talk about what has been going on with me this week, as in why I didn't have dailies posted, as well as some updates as to why Vlog 4 could be delayed. Emphasis is on could because it's not a guarantee, it may still happen on time.

In short, I've been reading "A Dance with Dragons", so, aside from work or a few other personal details I needed to cover, I haven't been doing much else. This means I haven't explored how to improve my videos much and I haven't posted any dailies. Sorry! I'm roughly just past half of the way through it I think.

Since I'm working 12-9 today and 11-7 tomorrow (both shifts on my feet, the entire time, ugh) I won't have a lot of time in between to find a good recording time and then also work on making sure the video comes out right. Still, I'm aiming to record tomorrow morning, put the video together and have it exporting while I work. If everything turns out okay, I'll have it all ready when I get back at 7 and it will be uploaded to be released at 11pm as normal. If something happens and I can't, it will be pushed back to be posted some time on Monday.

Thanks for understanding, keep following!

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