Monday, December 19, 2011

Daily 15

Daily 15 :: 12/17/2011

Old and New
  • The other day I stopped in by my old work to pick up a sandwich, yes, I still intend to eat there from time to time, both because I do enjoy their food and because it gives me a chance to keep in touch with former co-workers.
  • "Graduated" from the JRC program today!
  • I have two Overnight "Training" shifts, where I'll do a full, actual shift where I'm still counted as "training".
  • Then I'll have 30 days in which I can make mistakes that can be reported to training for a "retraining" and not count against my evaluations.
  • Then I'll have another 4 to 4 1/2 months where I'll be in my "probationary" period, after which I'll be considered a full-fledged employee and begin being eligible for things such as direct deposit, additional trainings, vacation time and more.

New Job Excitement
  • The new job offers a lot of potential if I don't screw it up
  • Not only is there career growth, but, if I want to take extra shifts, there's good opportunities for me to do that, and, by doing that, I can make a lot of extra funds which I can use to pay down debts and get myself on solid footing
  • Of course there's career growth too. With some extra schooling I can work my way up to a much higher position after a few years, with some excellent pay which I can use to support a life: a wife, kids, the beginnings of a family. (I can get other, smaller promotions along the way if I perform well).

  • My friend from WoW, who I'll call Geek Girl, just to spite her, complained that I didn't give her a shout out in my most recent vlog, which is so wrong, because I gave her a shout out in an earlier one, but here, shouting out again. Geek girl is awesome! And one of my favorites. Oi!

  • Helped someone move today, and it was only a couple of things but I'm already exhausted. Hopefully work isn't too bad tonight.

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